Mushroom Tikka Masala baby!

Sooo, this is what happened two days ago, yesterday and today. Me and my sister had the best luck to eat this wonderful Mushroom Tikka Masala that I made a few days ago! I was meant to make Chicken Tikka Masala but when I got to the store the chicken I usually buy was no were to be found. So I went for the mushrooms instead! I can tell you now that I don't regret buying Mushrooms - champions, it turned out perfect!
Im all about sharing so here is the recipe for this wonderful dish!
For the Mushroom Tikka Masala you will need
9 oz (250 gram) Mushroom - Champion
1 Onion
1 Red Onion
2-3 Garlic cloves
1 tbls Ginger
1 Green Paprika
1 tbls Turmeric
1 tbls Paprikapowder
2 Bayleaves
1 tsp Cardamom
1 tsp Cumin
3 Tomatoes
2 tsp Tomatopaste (eyeball)
Half a lime
2 tbls Coconutcream
1 tblss Coriander seeds
2 tbls Cream (eyeball)
salt for taste
For the qinrice You will need
Quinoa aka qeenwaah!
Juice of 1 lime
(Please follow the directions on the pack! I used 2 cups off water to 1 cup off rice/quinoa.)
(Please follow the directions on the pack! I used 2 cups off water to 1 cup off rice/quinoa.)

MEP - Mise en Place
Cut the mushrooms into halves , mine was pretty large so i cut them in four pieces instead. Mince the onions.
Grind the ginger and garlic in marble mortar/grinder and then add the coriander seeds and mash it a little more. Cut the tomatoes and set it asaide, cut the paprika and red onion into bigger pieces and set them aside aswell.
Now you have cut everything the needed to be cut!
Cook the quinoa and rice according to the package instructions and make sure to cook the rice and quinoa separately!
I used 2 cups of water with 1 cup quinoa/rice and brang it into a boil (follow the instructions on the pack!) I also put some turmeric and cinnamon to the water that I put in my quinoa,yum! When the rice and quinoa is ready, add quinoa to the rice together with chopped parsley the juice of 1 lime and stir it well. Now your wonderful qunrice is ready,put i asaide!
Time to make the Mushroom Tikka Masala:
Tips, Make sure to salt every layer for taste. Not to much,not to little :)
Put oil in a pot and let it heat up under the stove. Add bayleaves cardamom and cumin to your heated pot and let the aromas float,this will take 30s-1 minute. Then add the chopped onions, ginger and garlic and stir it around. Let the onions soften. Add the mushrooms and also let it soften with the onions. Add the tomaotoes. You will now see that the stew is coming together. Add all off the spices tomatopaste and stir. Pour the coconutcream and cream to the stove and stir well. Even it out with water a little water and lime,we still want to the Tikka Masala to be soft and creamy right ;)!. Add the chopped red onion,paprika and tomatoe and let everything set under the stove for 15-25 minutes! Serve the Mushroom Tikka Masala with the rice and top it with some red pepper, parlsey or coriander and springonions

Enjoy, and keep the Good Vibes Up, Mkey!